Helping All Oklahomans Find Health Insurance

Our local specialists are available to guide you through the enrollment process and help you find a plan that works for you and your family. By the way, our service is free.

How Can We Help?

SoonerCare Enrollment

Our navigators are available to guide you through the SoonerCare application process, tell you about your benefits, and answer any questions you might have about renewals. We specialize in complex cases and aim to provide all the information you need to make sure you and your family are covered.

Marketplace Coverage

On your own for health insurance? Losing SoonerCare? Affordable healthcare is available to everyone through Marketplace. You can choose from dozens of private plans from 6 different insurance companies, and 4 out of 5 people qualify for plans that cost less than $10 a month.

Healthcare Questions

Need coverage but not sure where to start? Give us a call! Our team of trained health insurance Navigators is standing by and prepared to help with applications, discounts for Marketplace plans, SoonerCare renewals, and more. Our service is free.

We've Got You And Your Kids Covered.

Want to make sure your kids are insured? A local specialist is available right now to help guide you through the enrollment process.

Navigator Kids


What is My OK Plan?

My OK Plan provides free, local non-profit help in navigating your health insurance. Our navigators are trained in Marketplace plan enrollments, SoonerCare renewals, complex SoonerCare cases, and more. Navigators are from Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma and are not insurance agents. Contact a Navigator! Call (833) 465-7526 to learn more!

How can I enroll in health coverage for 2025?

It’s easy! You can enroll online at, call the Marketplace at 1 (800) 318-2596, or you can call a local My OK Plan navigator to walk you through the process. Calling a navigator may be easiest for you, and it’s entirely free! Call (833) 465-7526 to speak with a navigator today.

How much does coverage cost?

Some people don’t pay anything out-of-pocket after tax credits. The average monthly premium in Oklahoma is $69 and most Oklahomans can get covered for $50-$100/month after financial assistance. Four out of five Oklahomans with coverage through Marketplace receive financial help. There are a variety of plan choices with different prices, deductibles, and copays. Oklahoma Marketplace plans are offered through Blue Cross Blue Shield.

What if I lost health coverage recently or had a life change?

You may qualify for special enrollment. Open enrollment runs from November 1 – January 15, but a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) may allow you to be eligible for special enrollment. If you have lost your health insurance for any reason, such as a move or job change, you may be able to enroll now. Call a navigator to find out! Call (833) 465-7526 or (833) 4-OKPLAN.

What Can We Do For You?

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