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Did you receive the purple letter? This is a friendly reminder – if your family is no longer eligible for SoonerCare coverage, or will be losing coverage later this year, we can help. Some children may be eligible even if their parents are not.

Check your SoonerCare account information.

You might still be eligible. If you still have questions, give us a call!

Check the letter you received from SoonerCare / Medicaid.

Who is losing coverage? Are any children staying on Medicaid? Or are there children losing coverage on a different date?
Does the letter ask for documents, IDs, income information, or pay stubs needed to keep coverage? Mail them with your SoonerCare ID number or upload pictures to your account.

Check your application for updates needed to keep your coverage.

You might still be eligible. You can view your application at or by calling 1-800-987-7767. Check that income is accurate for the current month for everyone in the household.

Check when SoonerCare / Medicaid is ending for you.

What is the last date of coverage? It could be a different date for adults and children. Use SoonerCare/Medicaid as usual until the end date to see doctors, providers, get refills, etc. Apply early for other health coverage options so that they start when SoonerCare ends, leaving no gap in coverage.

Update any changes in household size or marital status.

How many jobs are listed? Do old jobs or sources of income need to be deleted? Also, make any changes in status that affect eligibility:

  • Pregnancy
  • Disability
  • SSI
  • Medicare

Enroll in a health plan from your job or your spouse’s job.

You can enroll up to 60 days after losing SoonerCare. If you still have questions, give us a call!

You can enroll up to 60 days after your SoonerCare end date.

Most Oklahomans who work full-time get their health plan from their job. Ask your manager at work who you should talk to about signing up for a health plan. You may need to talk with an expert at work who knows that everyone losing SoonerCare has a sign-up window for 60-days after the ending date of SoonerCare coverage, called a “Special Enrollment Period.” Avoid going a month without health coverage – click here to learn how.

If the job plan costs too much for you or your spouse and children, Marketplace may offer discounts.

To find discounts, you’ll need:

  • Cost of employer plan for employee only (lowest-cost plan, per week or 2 weeks)
  • Cost of plan for employee-plus-family

The Marketplace application on also asks for income for everyone in the household. The application form will do the math to calculate discounts based on whether the employer plan costs at least 9.12% of total household income.

Get coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

For help with Marketplace, give us a call! One of our trained healthcare navigators will assist you through the process and walk you through your options.

Eligible kids stay on SoonerCare when adults move to a Marketplace plan.

Discounts are generally available when there’s no plan available from your job, your spouse’s job, parent’s job, or when employer plan costs too much for you, your spouse, or children. You can choose from dozens of Marketplace plans from up to 6 major insurance companies. You choose the list of doctors and hospitals, deductibles and premiums. Only the people who want a health plan sign up for it.

If the job plan costs too much for you or your spouse and children, Marketplace may offer discounts.

To find discounts, you’ll need:

  • Cost of employer plan for employee only (lowest-cost plan, per week or 2 weeks)
  • Cost of plan for employee-plus-family

The Marketplace application on also asks for income for everyone in the household. The application form will do the math to calculate discounts based on whether the employer plan costs at least 9.12% of total household income.

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